Prankster Dog Fools Another Dog by Playing Dead in Viral TikTok Video: Dog Is Full of Drama

Publish date: 2024-05-03

A dog with a talent for acting decided to traumatise his doggie mate, who is very fond of him.

In the TikTok video by @carlosvalencia865, the pooch pretended to be dead for 20 seconds while the other dog was clearly in distress.

The dog owner was alerted by the sad moaning and came to drag the dog away after believing the dog was dead too.

He dropped the act thereafter, wiggled his leg off the owner's grasp, and walked off.

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TikTok users were impressed by his Hollywood-worthy act, making the video go viral with over 4 million views.

Wathc the TikTok video below:

@cervy_jive suggested::

"Can someone please contact Hollywood, this dog has a bright future ahead of him?"

@karenmears393 shared:

"Omg, I actually had tears in my eyes. I thought it was dead."

@missakuprisca stated:

"Ah, I almost cried."

@azskylady said:

"I'm laughing at all the sad-face comments. Nobody watched the whole video. That is the best dog act I have ever seen. I was ready to cry."

@changemustforward mentioned:

"Didn't expect that at all. "

@magicsmalls wrote:

"I wonder what will be going through the head of the dog who cried after he realized his best friend pranked him this bad."

@obakng posted:

"This dog is full of drama."

@laantjo said:

"He got me. I thought he was dead."

Video of man running away from ‘playful’ pit bull has the people of Mzansi in stitches: “Molefe don’t run”

Briefly News reported that there is no denying that pit bulls are one of the most feared breeds of dogs in the world. So, when a man had one start chasing him, he was taking no chances.

While the negative stigma attached to the breed is slowly changing thanks to those who are now treating them with love and care, people are still hella weary.

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