Popular Akwa Ibom Words, Names and Meanings

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Akwa Ibom State is a state of cultural diversity and language similarities. The state is home to some of the over 500 languages spoken in the country. Generally, there are over 20 languages spoken as first languages in Akwa Ibom State, and though with some minor dialectical differences, there are still some common denominators in all languages spoken.

While most of the languages spoken are in the minority, the major languages in the state are Anaang, Ibibio, and Igbo. The Ibibio language, which is spoken by the state’s largest group, belongs to the Benue-Congo language family, which forms part of the Niger-Congo group of languages.

The language shares some similarities with the Annang and Efik but differences exist in speaking. However, they have the same alphabet in writing. Other Akwa Ibom languages that sound similar are Ibeno and Eket. This article presents you with the most popular Akwa Ibom words, names and their meanings.

Note that most Akwa Ibom words are written in Latin Nsibidi, which is an ancient system of graphic communication, a system of symbols or proto-writing developed in what is now the far South of Nigeria.

20 Popular Akwa Ibom Words and Phrases for Beginners

Learning the Akwa Ibom language could be a bit challenging, especially for non-indigenes. This is because of some disparities in spoken words. Below are some of the popular Akwa Ibom words you can learn as a beginner.

1. Amesiere/ Emesiere

2. Mokom – o

These Akwa Ibom words can serve as both ‘Good afternoon and Good evening. A perfect response for it is mme- kom nde – o or Ekọm do: I greet you too. A variation of this could be ‘Ke Anam – o’ which is said to someone while working.

3. Sòsòñò (esòsòñò plural) 

4. Amedi (emedi Plural)

5. Amenam eti eti (emenam eti eti plural)

6. Kaa di

7. kpe

8. Mbók

9. Mbọk nwam mi!

10. Ami mme uma fien

11. Di dia mkpò

12. Anwaña fi?       

13. Saña suñ

14. Kudọñọ aba    

15. Idem Fo?

16. Suk tie

17. Wut mi itie ukeñ idem/esa uyere mmọñ?

18. Enem mi ndi kut fi

19. Afo to idun emi? 

20. Ekere didie?

Most Common Akwa Ibom Names and their Meanings

Akwa Ibom people also attach importance to names, and it’s no wonder that names such as Ebong, Ubong, Effiong Obong, and Idio are freely given to their offspring with embedded meanings attached. however, most of these names are historical, many of which depict their oriental origin names are historical, many of which depict their oriental origin.

The Efik people, for instance, have their naming system based on four categories: the proper names which link children genealogically to their ancestors; names that indicate what day of the week or time of day a child is born.

Pet names traceable through time to the parent after whom the child is properly named; a system of names used only by peers and contemporaries oftentimes, indicating valor or some other exceptional attribute of note. This naming method is common in most  Akwa Ibom tribes. Here is a list of some most popular Akwa Ibom names and their meanings.

Note: The Ibibio language does not have the letter “G.” The “g” in Anaang words for example is only used to show how the words are pronounced. “-ng” sound in English is written as “ñ” in Ibibio.

1. Akpan

2. Anietie 

3. Uwanna

4. Obong

5. Ima-Obong

6. Uduak Abasi

7. Aniekeme – Abasi

8. Okon

9. Ubong

10. Aniefiok

11. Ekanem

12. Ekemini

13. Effiong

14. Ekaette

15. Nyangnnoabasi

 16. Edidiong

17. Akaninyene

18. Owoidighe-abasi

19. Nyaknno Abasi

20. Uyai Abasi

Names of God in Akwa Ibom Language

Akwa Ibom people are very religious just like the people in most of its neighbouring states. Despite the influence of Christianity, education, and modernization, most of the communities in Akwa Ibom State adhere graciously to their age-long traditions and cultural practices into the 21st century.

Akwa Ibom words

However, there is a general belief in the supremacy of God who is the creator of all things. Interestingly most of the communities in the state have more than one name for God and with different meanings or interpretations. This is mostly dependent on how and the way they see God. Below are some of the common names Akwa Ibom people call God

1. Abasi

2. Abasi Afid Abuk

3. Abasi Enyong

4. Abasi Mbom Mmi 

5. Osa Nudazi

6. Itiat Nsinsi

7. Ano owo emem

8. Abasi Ifiok

9. Utuen Ikang Ekondo

10. Andikpon Nkan

11. Obot owo ndot ukama

12. Awana ekong ibuot ikpong

13. Ufan Akan Ufan

14. Abasi Usen Eset

15. Ayanha owo Ifiok

16. Obong Nme Mbong

17. Ntoho ye utit Abasi

18. Atang Anam Abasi

19. Adong owo utom nkene nkaa 

20. Abot Idem Ikpong

Other Popular Names of God In Akwa Ibom Language
