ANC KZN to Aid Families of 3 Women Shot Dead with Funeral Arrangements

Publish date: 2024-05-06

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The loved ones and relatives of the three women fatally gunned down during an African National Congress (ANC) meeting in Inanda will receive aid when it comes to plans and arrangements needed for the funerals.

The decision to aid with the funeral arrangements for the families of the victims is due to the recent visit by a team headed by KZN ANC provincial chairperson, Sihle Zikalala, to the impacted families where it was discovered that these families were battling financially.

eNCA was approached by ANC KZN provincial secretary Mdumiseni Ntuli who confirmed that the gun was discharged in the midst of a ward 54 branch general meeting.

EWN expressed the irritations felt by the grieving family whilst the ANC part promises to assist the families

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Following reports by eNCA on a report by SAPS spokesperson in KZN Jay Naicker it is confirmed that the motive for the dismal situation is currently unknown whist KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle Zikalala is persisting the accelerated response of authorities.

Thembisa police officer caught on camera ordering a hit on her sister and 5 kids, story shocks Mzansi

Earlier, Briefly News reported that a former police officer from Thembisa was caught on tape directing a hitman and an undercover cop to murder her sister and her sister's five children so she could cash in her sister's life insurance policy.

Former police constable Nomia Rosemary Ndlovu, who is being considered a serial killer for the murders of several other family members, will be standing trial at the Palm Ridge High Court on Monday to hear arguments in her defence.

The former police officers plot to have her family killed for money has left some people in South Africa. People have taken to social media to share their thoughts on the cop's actions.

Here are some of their reactions:

@funie_nems said:

"This is exactly why I don't want people who worship money or love it to a point where they'll do anything to get it near me. WTF guys!?!?"

@Nomondedino said:

"Money is the root of all evil. To plan to wipe out SO many lives - how does one sleep at night? All people that were close to her."
