NIA Nigeria Salary and Rank Structure

Publish date: 2024-05-07

The NIA – National Intelligence Agency, is a security agency in Nigeria that has a well-structured ranking system and salary structure. The security intelligence agency is mandated to oversee foreign intelligence and counterintelligence operations in the country.

NIA is one of the agencies that was created by the National Security Organization that was previously dissolved by Decree No. 19 of 1986 under General Ibrahim Babangida’s regime. Since the establishment of NIA Nigeria, the agency has been perceived to have a good salary structure and rank promotional plan. This gave rise to the increased interest of candidates during its recruitment exercises.

What is the NIA Nigeria Salary Structure?

Being one of the government security agencies that discharge their duties through classified procedures, it is very difficult to ascertain internal information like salary structure. However, through some sources in the agency, we were informed that they operate a salary structure that is strictly based on COMPASS.

It means that the salary structure is designed to flow according to ranks. The same way the agency doesn’t operate like other security agencies is the same way they don’t earn like other agencies. This may be attached to their kind of duty, which has to do with important security information.

NIA Nigeria salaries are also structured to be based on years of experience. This didn’t exempt the fact that one with more years of experience will be paid less than an officer with a few years of experience. It all depends on the recruitment procedure one went through and the qualifications.

Aside from the salary, officers of the agency have other incentives that are entitled to them.

NIA Salary Per Month

According to sources, the salary of officers of NIA Nigeria is N160,000 and above. Likewise, the highest-ranking officer of NIA Nigeria earns a monthly salary of N1 million and above.

The above figures are after all necessary deductions, like tax and pension. This is the only information we could get as other information related to the salaries of operatives of the agency is kept classified.

Welfare and Other Benefits Received by Operatives of the Agency

The salary structure of the officers of the NIA comes with benefits, incentives, and welfare packages. Some of these benefits are increased the same way the salary increases as one gets promoted to another rank. Here are other incentives that accompany the operatives of the agency:

1. Staff Welfare

All the operatives of NIA Nigeria are enrolled in an insurance policy to cover for any form of eventuality in the course of carrying out their duties. The staff welfare policy ensures that all operatives of the agency are taken care of and protected at all times.

2. Health Care Benefits

Agents of NIA Nigeria are also enrolled in the National Health Insurance Scheme. This insurance scheme covers both their health and that of their family members. In the event of any illness, the operatives of NIA Nigeria will receive treatment in any government hospital of their choice without payment.

3. Housing Allowances

They are also entitled to a housing allowance if there are no provisions made available for accommodation. The employees of the agency also have access to loans from lending houses like mortgage banks. These loans help them to acquire their own houses and offer them a balanced platform of repayment from salary.

Agencies like this in Nigeria access loans when they adopt a cooperative scheme. It is unclear if NIA Nigeria has a cooperative scheme that helps its staff access loans for tangible investment before retirement.

4. Traveling Allowance

In the course of carrying out their duties, NIA Nigeria operatives may be required to travel outside the country or within the country. The agency makes provision for a travel allowance that will cover the transportation costs, feeding, and shelter of the agent.

This is strictly when the officer is on official duty, as the agency will not pay for the traveling allowance of an operative traveling for personal reasons.

A Breakdown of the NIA Rank Structure

Despite the fact that the agency keeps most of its information classified, some sources revealed the ranking structure of the NIA Nigeria. Their ranking structure has strong similarities with the Army, Air Force, Police, and DSS.

The rank structure of this agency is split into four categories. Below are the ranks of personnel of the National Intelligence Agency of Nigeria:

Non-Officers’ Agents of NIA

These are personnel of the agency that are recruited to serve but are not commissioned as officers of the agency. They are mostly recruits with primary school and WAEC certificates who have an interest in building a career with the agency. The ranks under this category are as follows:

Junior Officers Level

At this level, the officer has crossed the rank of a staff sergeant and has been commissioned into the officer rank but as a junior officer. Below are the ranks one is expected to pass through in the Junior Officers category:

Senior Officers Category

This level is a promising level for every junior officer in the agency. No one is recruited directly into this rank level. It takes hard work and commitment to get to the Senior Officers rank category. Below are the ranks under this category:

Commanding Officers’ Category

This is the highest-ranking category within the agency. Any officer that gets to the highest rank must have given out the best to merit such a rank. The highest rank is mostly appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate. Here are the ranks under the commanding officer category of the agency:

Functions of the National Intelligence Agency of Nigeria (NIA)

To have a clearer explanation of what the organization is, we have to take a look at its duties and functions. Below are some of the duties and functions of NIA Nigeria:
